XCode is the development environment provided by Apple and it contains a set of tools useful for development.
One of this tools is XCode Command Line Tool that
[…] gives terminal users many commonly used tools, utilities, and compilers, including make, GCC, clang, perl, svn, git, size, strip, strings, libtool, cpp, what, and many other useful commands that are usually found in default linux installations.
To install XCode Command Line Tools, you DON’T have to first install XCode.
To get XCode Command Line Tools up and running on your system and usable from command line, you only need to open the Terminal and type:
$ xcode-select --install
A popup will open asking you if you want to install the Tools: obviously, choose YES!
Once the installation of Command Line Tools is completed, you have to create symlinks between MAMP and XCode.
This is required, for example, to install the Intl PHP module.
To create the symlinks:
$ ln -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.10.sdk/usr/include /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.6.6
Keep attention to versions both of xCode and of MAMP’s PHP!
All done: now you have XCode Command Line Tools available in your Terminal!
Remember to “Make. Ideas. Happen.”.
I wish you flocking users, see you soon!
[…] Before you can install Intl binaries, you have to install xCode Command Line Tools. […]